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Team Members

Team Members

Whether you're building your dream team or juggling multiple sales teams, we've got you covered. Let's walk through how to invite team members, manage their roles, and even navigate multiple workspaces if you're managing multiple teams. We make it easy to manage 100's of salesreps!

Sep 18, 2023

Account Settings

Inviting Team Members

Growing your team? Here's how to bring them into Cosmicly:

  1. Log into your Cosmicly account.

  2. Go to Team > Members.

  3. Click "Invite New Member".

  4. Fill in their details:

    • Name

    • Email address

    • Role (Admin or Member)

    • Commission Role (from your pre-set commission structures)

    • Analytics Access (Approve or Deny)

  5. Click "Send Invite".

Your team member will receive an email invitation to join Cosmicly. They'll need to create an account if they don't have one already.

Selecting User Roles

When inviting or editing a team member, you'll need to assign them a role.

Here's what each role means:

  • Admin: Can manage team members, edit settings, and access all features.

  • Member: Can use Cosmicly features to send invoices, and track their own commissions, but can't change team settings or invite new members.

Choose wisely! You can always change roles later if needed.

Adding/Editing Commission Roles

Remember those commission roles we set up earlier?

Here's where they come into play:

  1. In the "Invite New Member" or "Edit Member" screen.

  2. Find the "Commission Role" dropdown.

  3. Select the appropriate role for this team member.

This sets their default commission structure. Don't worry, you can customize it later if needed.

Approving/Denying Analytics Access

Want to control who sees what? Here's how:

  1. In the "Invite New Member" or "Edit Member" screen.

  2. Find the "Analytics Access" toggle.

  3. Switch it ON to approve access, or OFF to deny it.

Editing Member Settings

Need to make changes? No problem:

  1. Go to Team > Members.

  2. Find the team member you want to edit.

  3. Click the "Edit" button (usually looks like a pencil icon).

  4. Make your changes.

  5. Click "Save Changes".

You can edit a member's name, email, role, commission role, and analytics access from here.

Switching Workspaces / Managing Multiple Teams

Cosmicly makes it easy to manage multiple teams, brands, or companies under one account.

This is extremely useful if you're an agency who's managing multiple sales teams for multiple clients, because you can manage all your clients teams from 1 cosmicly account. Likewise, if you're a salesrep working on multiple different offers, you can easily switch between organizations to track commissions & send invoices for all the offer's you're selling for.

Here's how:

Switching Workspaces

  1. From the main dashboard area, click on your workspace's picture in the bottom left corner.

  2. Select the workspace you'd like to switch to, from the dropdown.

  3. Choose the workspace you want to switch to.

You'll be instantly transported to your selected workspace. Done!

Creating a New Workspace

  1. To create a new workspace, simply go to and signup for a new account.

  2. Every time you purchase a new plan, a new workspace is created.

  3. As long as you use the same login email for all your workspace accounts, they will all be synced into 1 account.

Managing Multiple Teams

  • Each workspace is separate: They have their own team members, commission structures, and data.

  • Quick switching: Use the method above to hop between workspaces quickly.

  • Consistent login: No need to log out and back in. One account rules them all!

Pro Tip: Use clear, distinct names for your workspaces to avoid confusion.

What's Next?

With your team set up and your workspaces organized, you're ready to start tracking those commissions! Next, you might want to explore our reporting features to see how your team is performing.

Remember, a well-organized team is a productive team. You've just taken a big step towards smoother sales operations. Great job!