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Setting up your commission structure is where the magic happens. We'll walk you through creating roles, setting rates, assigning team members, and even customizing individual rates. Let's dive in!

Aug 28, 2023

Account Settings

Creating Commission Roles

Think of roles as templates for your team's commission structures.

Here's how to set them up:

  1. Log into your Cosmicly account.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Commissions.

  3. Click "Create New Role" (or edit the default roles).

  4. Name your role (e.g., "Appointment Setter", "Closer", "Co-Founder").

  5. Click "Create Role".

Pro Tip: Create roles that reflect your team's structure. It'll make assigning commissions a breeze later on.

Setting Up Commission Rates for Roles

Now, let's put some meat on those bones by adding commission rates:

  1. In the Commission Roles section, click on the role you want to edit.

  2. Under "Commission Rates", click "Add New Rate".

  3. Choose the type of commission:

    • Percentage of deal value

    • Percentage of cash collected

    • Flat rate per deal

  4. Enter the rate (e.g., 10% or $500).

  5. Set any conditions (optional):

    • Minimum deal value

    • Maximum deal value

    • Specific products or services

  6. Click "Save Rate".

You can add multiple rates to a single role. For example, 10% on the first $10,000, then 15% on anything above.

Assigning Roles to Team Members

Time to bring your team into the mix:

  1. Go to Team > Members.

  2. Click "Invite New Member" (or select an existing member to edit).

  3. Fill in their details: name, email, etc.

  4. Under "Commission Role", select the appropriate role from the dropdown.

  5. Click "Send Invite" (for new members) or "Save Changes" (for existing ones).

Remember: You can always change a team member's role later if needed.

Customizing Rates for Individual Reps

Sometimes, one size doesn't fit all. Here's how to create custom commission rates for specific team members:

  1. Go to Team > Members.

  2. Click on the team member you want to customize.

  3. Scroll to "Commission Settings".

  4. Toggle "Use Custom Commission" to ON.

  5. You'll see the rates from their assigned role. Click "Edit" to modify or "Add New Rate" to create a new one.

  6. Make your changes (just like when setting up role rates).

  7. Click "Save Changes".

Heads up: Custom rates override the default rates of the assigned role for this specific team member.

Best Practices

  • Start simple: Begin with a basic structure and refine as you go.

  • Communicate clearly: Make sure your team understands their commission structure.

  • Review regularly: Commission structures should evolve with your business.

  • Use custom rates sparingly: They're great for special cases, but too many can get confusing.

What's Next?

With your commission structure set up, Cosmicly will automatically calculate commissions based on the deals your team closes. You might want to explore the reporting features next to see how your new structure impacts performance.

Remember, if you need to make changes, you can always come back to these settings. Commission structures aren't set in stone!

Great job setting up your commission configuration. You're well on your way to smoother, more transparent commission management!